Tuesday, 29 April 2014


This image to the left is the first shot of the story board of the whispering horses,
I've still spared some of the background details in this one because it's pretty much any generic war time stuff, I've drawn two men rolling a cannon up a hill and a tench with some surrounding barbed wire, but the fact that people are out in the open and working on these things shows that there isn't particularly a war yet. in the image that I was working from this is basically the things that were going on around the two horses as well, except the men weren't wearing a completely fictional uniform that I made up in my mind. 
The first shot is a mid shot of the two horses, the two men sat on the horses are still as much detail at the horses because they are the focus of the horses conversation. I believe to make this more interesting I should have made the man sitting on the horse complaining a little more stockier so the reason he is complaining is clearly depicted. 

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